
Saturday, July 31, 2021

Weigh in Day - Another 2lbs!

 I  am down to 226.8!! 

Woot Woot! 

Since starting this journey - I have lost 8.2Lbs! I am pretty happy about that. Still the heaviest I have every been, be I will take it! I am slowly creepy into the teens and I am hoping that by the middle of August I will be under 220lb. 

I was kind of hoping that by my family vacation I would be under 200lbs  - but since my vacation starts August 20th, I am thinking this goal is unlikely. I may be under 220 but NOT under 200. I wish! 

I am still waiting on the new Spark360 website to be finished - I really hate having to restart on August 17th, but I have not choice. I hope they have a journal feature and then I can just work off of one website. Journaling my progress is my favorite part of this whole process. I love to look back at where I began and where I am now. 

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Weigh in Day - Another 2lbs!

 I  am down to 226.8!!  Woot Woot!  Since starting this journey - I have lost 8.2Lbs! I am pretty happy about that. Still the heaviest I hav...